Broken Britain & Policing

The case of Ian Puddick

Recently on Twitter, I came across the case of Ian Puddick. Actually, it was a short documentary by Chris Plumley of Channel 4 Dispatches on YouTube investigating corruption within the City of London Police. It focuses on City Police’s Operation Bohan which was a £1,000,000 counter terrorism operation to arrest Ian Puddick, for creating a website……

Tory Pride & Prejudice

With the news today that, the British Prime Minister David Cameron is to defy many of his own party and allow same-sex marriage in England and Wales is something in itself. Since I started writing this blog and Social Justice and Equality articles in 2010, I’ve not been easy on the Prime Minister which is…

Why I’m Hacked Off…

With the publication today of Lord Justice Leveson’s report into the Culture, Practice and Ethics of the Press, followed by the Prime Minister’s comments in the House of Commons – it was clear to me, just how out-of-touch he as the democratic leader of Britain is with the ordinary citizen. In July 2010 when I…