A few weeks ago, Alex and I went to the cinema to watch Bridesmaids (yes, I know) and after a short while I found myself wanting to leave! Bad film, I hear you ask? No. I wanted to leave because my sides were hurting with laughter. We’ve both had a busy 2-years, so have not really had the time to laugh as much as we did with Bridesmaids. The last time I can remember laughing like this, was whilst watching either Home Alone or Sister Act as a kid! I actually thought the woman next to Alex and I was going to die, she was hysterical…
What’s all the fuss about?
I’ve heard Bridesmaids described as the female version of The Hangover, but I don’t really see the connection. I’ve watched both Hangover films and for me, these try to make you laugh, where as Bridesmaids is a genuinely funny film. For those of you who haven’t seen The Hangover or its sequel (Part II), they’re films about a group of men on stag dos. The first film was set in the USA, with the second using the same script and a sprinkling of Asia – being set in Thailand. The great thing about Bridesmaids is that you don’t have to worry about the plot (as the clues in the title). Kristen Wiig who co-wrote the film stars as Annie, the maid of honor for her friend Lillian’s wedding with all the drama that goes with the role.
My ‘View from the Bottom’…
Kristen Wiig has played a blinder both in her writing and performance, as she has managed to grab the attention of all audiences. I wouldn’t describe Bridesmaids as a ‘chick flick’ as it’s not about make-up and pretty dresses (really, it’s not) … the characters are people you know – one or two ‘rough and ready’. When Alex and I watched this film, the cinema was packed with a 50/50 split of males to females and ‘everyone’ was laughing (or rolling in their seats). When I come to think of it, I can’t remember the last time I watched a film in a packed cinema. I know some women may have forced their partners to go see Bridesmaids, but they couldn’t have made them laugh as they did. The cinema was in uproar. Alex and I left beaming all the way home, having had a ‘good’ night out. My sides were still hurting some hours later, and as I write this I’m smiling to myself again! If there’s nothing else you watch on the big screen this year, go see Bridesmaids – it’ll cheer you up…
Max rating: 5/5 *****
For making me ‘hurt’ with laughter!
Live Healthy, Laugh Often & Love Yourself!
© Kevin Maxwell Film, Media & Performance 2011 – Published by My Mum