With 2012 at an end and everything back to normal in this the second week of the New Year, I hope that any problems you had last year are resolved or at least some peace is brought to you in 2013.
The Christmas Holidays is always a time when we reflect greatly on what we have and lost, with it then being followed by the January blues.
December, is a time when we are reminded of the loved ones no longer with us. The start of the new year is also a time when we hope that events ahead of us, are one that are greater than those left behind in the old year. For some though, life is good – which, is great.
However, there are those whose lives as they are – are too much and often unbearable. My view to you, is that you are NOT alone.
In the summer of 2012, I made a short film about my experiences of dealing with depression after experiencing racism and homophobia in my former work as a police detective.
I was honest in that, I too questioned the value of ‘my life’ after what I knew it to be came crashing down around me. But, I’m still here hopefully fighting for a noble cause and writing about things that are important to me and which I hope can help others.
As I work on my short documentary about suicide in men under the age of 35 – Britain’s biggest killer, of this demographic – if just one of the 30,000 plus viewers of my blog in the last period read this and know that there is HOPE, then I’ve done some good despite my own experiences.
If you do need to talk to someone with the new year now fully under way, the Samaritans along with many other wonderful organisations are there to listen. Talking to others, really DOES help.
You can contact the Samaritans on: 08457 9090 90 (UK). Stay safe, and I wish you well in 2013.
Max x