With Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday declaring in the House of Commons that he didn’t want to cross the ‘Rubicon’ with regards to The Leveson Inquiry report into the Culture, Practice and Ethics of the British Press, it got me thinking… he is very much out of touch with the ordinary citizen.
I mean, I like to think of myself as a ‘fairly’ intelligent person involved with all aspects of the British way of life since my birth in Liverpool – but, what is this Rubicon he talks about and have I missed it?
I know the Prime Minister is going back on his word about sorting out the press once and for all in the UK, but I do wish when he does this he speaks in a language that the average person can understand!
I am still trying to find this Rubicon, unless he means the SHALLOW river in northeastern Italy?
This has been a… Thoughts on Rubicon, ‘View from the Bottom’.
Take care, Max x.
Live Healthy, Laugh Often & Love Yourself!
Published by My Mum. Copyright © Kevin Maxwell Film, Media & Performance 2012.