What do the Lib Dems stand for?

Having read earlier about the Prime Minister’s speech on immigration, it got me thinking as to what Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats stand for?

I’m not political (really!) and by this I mean ‘out on the streets’ campaigning for a particular party, but I do take an interest in politics and the destination of my country and how this will affect me, as a mixed-race gay person with a disability.

Not so long ago, it used to be a toss-up for me at elections, deciding between Labour and the Liberal Democrats. I tended to vote for the party, which put the best argument forward, as many of their policies were similar.

Since the last General Election and time going by, I have become more and more saddened with the demise (in my opinion of course) of the Liberal Democrats party.

After reading about the PM’s speech, I ‘googled’… what do the lib dems stand for? and the first result I got was indeed the official website of the Liberal Democrats party. I clicked on the link about equality, because this is one of the causes close to my heart.

A lot of my friends agree with me that, the Lib Dems have lost their way. Not because they are in a Coalition Government with the Conservative Party, but because they have lost all credibility.

Like me, many thought the ‘live’ Priministerial television debates and the performance of the Deputy PM, were going to bring something (or someone) ‘fresh’ to politics. Yet, we just have more of the same.

Nick Clegg and the senior Lib Dems around him, don’t know how much they have lost the support of many and damaged their party, which is a shame. None of us should ever get complacent.

I no longer recognise the party and nothing they ‘supposedly’ stand for resinates with me. I for one wont be voting Liberal Democrats again – as the party has shown its true colour!

You can forgive, but not forget!

The Lib Dem page on ‘what they stand for’ can be viewed at www.libdems.org.uk/equality – I’ve also pasted the section from the website below.

This has been another ‘View from the Bottom’, but this time my vote counts!

Ciao, Max.

Live Healthy, Laugh Often & Love Yourself!

Max’s ‘View from the Bottom’ Blog

© Kevin Maxwell Film, Media & Performance 2011 – Published by My Mum


LATEST UPDATE: I emailed a copy of my blog to the party, for transparency as a voter! I received an ‘Out of Office’ reply…!!! Oh, the irony.


At the core of Liberal Democrats philosophy is a belief in equality of opportunity. Fighting discrimination in all its forms underpins our policies.

Britain today is a multi-ethnic, multi-faith, diverse society. It is a richer society as a result – culturally, socially and economically. Liberal Democrats embrace and celebrate a diverse Britain.

We will ensure that our laws reflect that diversity, protecting all from violence, discrimination and harassment and allowing everyone the freedom to live their lives.