Kevin Maxwell for UK Prime Minister 2015

Kevin Maxwell for UK Prime Minister 2015

A VOICE for those who don’t have one!

WHY…? We’re all fed up with the same old politics & false promises made by politicians, past & present. We’ve had red, blue & now yellow in Number 10 for so long, that a brand new colour is needed… & I’m thinking white, mixed with black & a touch of pink!

Someone who has integrity & ‘earns’ the trust of the people. Someone who does what they say they will do in office, & actually answers the questions asked of them. Most importantly, someone who ‘connects’ with the public & knows what it is like to live in the ‘real’ world.

I represent those who don’t have a voice in Britain & directly challenge the ‘old boys club’.

Politics needs cleaning up ‘once & for all’. ‘Real’ change should not only happen in America. It is however a country, where the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger can become a Governor & Barack Obama, a black man President! I too have the ‘Audacity of Dope’.

Anita Roddick said it best… “If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito” – I’m that mosquito!

Please support me with your family, friends & pets on Facebook – Search PagePlace & Event, & follow on Twitter – #maxwell2015 – I’m campaigning early!

WHO…? I might not have gone to ‘Oxbridge’, but where I did go was The University of Life. I might not be a Lawyer, but what I am is real. I too might not have a wife to proudly display on the step of 10 Downing Street, but what I do have is a Husband, who likes Marmite!

I do however know what it’s like to be… mixed-race (white & black), gay, married to a man, the last child of eleven, a great uncle, an adult orphan, affected by cancer, raised a Catholic, ill with depression, subjected to racism, homophobia & bullying at work & born in an inner city.

I know all these things, because I’m like you!

WHAT…? My Manifesto is simple & fits nicely on a piece of toilet paper…

1. Integrate not Segregate (black & white, gay & straight, religious & atheist)
2. Include not Exclude (young & old, rich & poor, employed & unemployed)
3. Stamp-out: racism, homophobia, ageism, sexism, Scouseism, bullying & discrimination towards the disabled & those with mental health illnesses
4. Support the great causes for cancer, children, poverty, domestic violence & the elderly
5. Educate, Educate & Educate (reading & writing is a basic need!)
6. Keep the NHS ‘the’ National Health Service – Simples!
7. Enact the ‘Love Your Mother Act 2015′ (I love mums) & rights for dads
8. No Wars, No Cuts & No Lies!
9. Allow people to Live Healthy, Laugh Often & Love Yourself x
10. Mend ‘Broken’ Britain & put the ‘Great’ back into her…

WHEN…? The 2015 General Erection.

WHERE…? United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.

HOW…? Becoming an Independent Member of Parliament within a UK Constituency, then Prime Minister. I could lead a Rainbow Coalition of parties, with none having an overall majority. I could also lead a main party, as an Independent PM, if appropriate.

The PM, party & cabinet do not have to be of the same persuasion! The UK public could force a hung parliament by evening-out the votes, with parties agreeing on me as an Independent PM. This however, is up to you, the British people.

The UK Coalition Government of David Lloyd George (1916–1922), was a combination of the three main political parties in Britain. He served as a Conservative, Liberal & in Labour. The actor Robin Williams became President of the US in… Man Of The Year –!

Kevin Maxwell for UK Prime Minister 2015 – Join the Campaign…

‘Search’ Facebook – Kevin Maxwell 2015 (PagePlace & Event)

‘Hashtag’ Twitter – #maxwell2015

Team Max.

Inspired by My Mum x